Dockside Chats: Wake for Warriors Founder, David Deep

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Nautique Boats: We are so proud to express our heartfelt appreciation for our partnership with Wake for Warriors. Our collaboration highlights the transformative experience of watersports while fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among those who have bravely served our country. We are so grateful for the opportunity to support such a meaningful initiative and would love to dive deeper into the story that has made Wake for Warriors what it is today! 

First and foremost, thank you for serving our country! 

David Deep: Thank you. As my friend and Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter says: “You are worth it.”

NB: We’d love to know more about how you got into towed watersports and how that led you to create Wake for Warriors.

DD: I learned to ski at 8, but really got into wakeboarding in the mid 1990s when I was a helicopter flight instructor stationed at Whiting Field, FL. My buddy had a 1987 Nautique 2001 with Rubbermaid storage bins filled with water for extra weight. We would hit the Blackwater River with friends and family several times a week and ride till the sun went down. 

When my flight instructor tour finished, I left active duty to pursue an airline career and joined the Marine Corps reserve. A few years later, I was activated to serve in Afghanistan flying AH-1W attack helicopters in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Coming back home was a challenge as I felt an “unease” trying to integrate back into a normal life. 

As I recalled the sunny days with my friends on the Blackwater River, I decided to get a 97 Super Sport Nautique. I found that a few minutes behind the boat was the therapy that I needed. Experiencing the healing power of being on the water was the catalyst to start Wake for Warriors. It started with one injured veteran spending the weekend at my house and has grown into 50 events in 22 states each year.

NB: We have been partners for 8 years! What does the Wake for Warriors and Nautique Boats partnership mean to you?

DD: The people at Nautique have become family to me. Teaming up with Nautique dealerships and owners across the nation has been instrumental to the success of our events. I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing Nautique owners who generously donate their time and talent to support our mission and together we’ve been able to change the lives of some deserving veterans.

NB: We love having you, your team, and the Wake for Warriors athletes out at the Nautique events, whether it’s at the Nautique Wake Series, Nautique Wakesurf Series, the Masters, or at our Nautique Regattas! What’s the impact for both the athletes and your organization while attending our events?

DD: These events provide us an opportunity to tell the story of our organization, but more importantly, it gives everyone at these events a chance to meet these incredible individuals. Watching our Wake for Warriors team athletes ride is awe inspiring and I love watching the crowds cheer them on as they show their skills on the water. Each one of our riders has a story of overcoming challenges and thriving after a catastrophic injury.

NB: We know you have a busy calendar! What are some other Wake for Warriors events you feel are more unique and/or you really get excited about? 

DD: Every event is unique in its own way, and I really appreciate how our teams make our veterans feel welcome with their hospitality. I particularly enjoy the events at our home on Lake Harding, AL/GA where we host veterans from Team Semper Fi and the EOD Warrior Foundation. I also like teaming up with other organizations like the National Ability Center where we combine time on the water with mountain biking in Park City, Utah. It’s always a treat to have Nautique team athletes like Jodi Grassman come and coach our participants. It really makes our veterans feel special that they take time from their busy schedules to share their skills with them. 

NB: You’ve had several different model Nautiques over the years, and currently you have a G23 Paragon. Can you tell us what some of your favorite features are? 

DD: My favorite feature of the Paragon is the back transom area. This ease of entry in the water is particularly significant when we have riders with spinal cord injuries or other mobility issues. It’s not uncommon for important conversations to take place while sitting in those back seats. I also appreciate the consistency of the wakes and waves of the Nautique. The set up and controls are well thought out and the layout of the boat makes the days on the water easier and very comfortable.

NB: Wake for Warriors has continued to grow throughout the US, getting more and more Veterans out on the water. How can people get involved in the organization or in their local communities?

DD: We have information on our website at where veterans can see our schedule of events, apply and learn more about our program. Volunteers can fill out our form to offer their assistance in providing food, lodging and boats for our multi-day events. There’s also a link to donate to support our mission. We’re an all-volunteer organization, so your donations go to support travel, food, lodging, adaptive equipment and event needs such as fuel. 

NB: Can you share some of the most impactful stories or moments you’ve witnessed through this program?

DD: There are so many moments over the last 12 years that have made an impact on me and the teams that support our mission. The connections made and the lifelong friendships built have had a tremendous effect on everyone involved. I love witnessing the transition happen at each event as we start with handshakes on the first day to hugging and high fiving on the last day.

We recently had a veteran who now works as a first responder attend an event in the Midwest. As the event was wrapping up on the last day, she shared how she had written a suicide note before the event but decided to come to the Wake for Warriors weekend as a final act. As she conveyed her story, she talked about how she felt loved and appreciated by the staff and her fellow veterans that weekend. Needless to say, the note was torn up and she’s still with us. We’re celebrating that connection and we’re looking forward to having her at another event soon.

NB: Looking ahead, what is your vision for the future of Wake for Warriors?

DD: Our vision is to build a relationship with our veterans that lasts beyond the few days of our events. We’ve partnered with some organizations that can provide assistance in areas such as counseling, job placement and other things that help our veterans thrive on and off the water. We have a few things in the works to build upon these partnerships and I’m excited to watch it evolve. We are also expanding our initiative to bring back our veterans as coaches to give them an opportunity to share in the joy that they experienced and to help put smiles on faces.

It takes a lot of time and effort, but as Theodore Roosevelt said, “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

To learn more about participating in Wake for Warriors programs or to support Wake for Warriors as a donor, sponsor, or volunteer, please follow the links below! 

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